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Student Instructional Support

Student Supports in Tennessee

Tennessee’s multi-tiered systems of supports (MTSS) is a framework for seeing how all the practices, programs, and interventions fit together in order to meet students’ needs both within an individual classroom and across the school building. This graphic is not exhaustive—every school and district will prioritize different programs based on the unique needs of the school community. It is most important to intentionally utilize student data to identify student needs and tailor programming to meet student needs.   


English Learners

Tennessee’s EL population is increasing significantly, with 45 percent growth in the EL population from 2011 to 2017. In 2016-17, 132 Tennessee districts and 1,451 schools served ELs. Should this growth trajectory continue, we will exceed 60,000 ELs by 2020. These changes in Tennessee’s population will have a significant impact on the educational trends in the state.

Tennessee is committed to ensuring that all students, including English learners, have the opportunity for success in rigorous coursework, access to early postsecondary opportunities, and access to highly effective teachers.


RTI2 in Tennessee

Across the country, states are focused on intervening at the first signs of academic challenges—often called a Response to Intervention (RTI) method—to address deficits in student learning. In Tennessee, we have taken a unique RTI approach called RTI2: Response to Instruction and Intervention.

Tennessee has been implementing RTI2 in elementary schools since 2014-15, middle schools since 2015-16, and in high schools since 2016-17. Implementation of Tennessee’s RTI2 Framework is mandatory for all K-12 public schools, in all grade levels.